Monday, October 13, 2008

2 posts in 3 months

2 posts in 3 months.....

Like my training runs I like to start slow; in this case it's been a crawl. So I guess I better get my Headlands race report up. It was a wonderful experience but I had to take some time off after the race to regroup mentally more than anything else.

Don't get me wrong, I've been running. But without a formal goal in mind it's been freeing; a vacation of sorts. I have been focusing on running fast and easy - getting back to that feeling that got me hooked on trail running to begin with.

My "vacation" couldn't have come at a better time. I've been asked to join Team Traverse Trail Running. I know that some will question my decision and the team in general. But I do believe the motives of the team are good and direction Brad and Josue are taking it will benefit the trail scene in central Texas in many ways. I have promised myself not to let it get to my head. I support the team and our actions will prove themselves. Hopefully we will do well in races but more importantly I hope we are able to help give back to trail running and the communities who graciously allow us practice our sport.

That being said, I have to make some decisions soon regarding my plans for this winter/spring season. Fuego y Agua is weighing on my mind but I've got to make sure it fits in with the family and work plans. Plus if I do it, I don't have long to get ready for 100k with 2 3,000' climbs.

Well that's what's on my mind... next up... Headlands 100 race report.


Steve Ansell said...

Good luck with the team and I am still looking forward to that race report. By the way, if you don't subscribe to Ultrarunning Magazine, you may want to make sure and get your hands on the October issue. I heard a rumor that the report on Headlands will include a photo of a certain runner with the city of SF in the background...

meredith said...

I'll make sure he gets a copy! Welcome back to blog world, and congrats on the team! mer

josuecorre said...

John, welcome to Team Traverse, I look forward to running with you more and keeping up with your adventures through your blog.
btw, check the elevation profile for Fuego y Agua again, the first climb is from 43 ft to 4,483 ft in 10kilometers, the second climb is from 41 ft to 3,280 ft in about 6 kilometers.

Hope you can make it down!!